Most people need a work permit to work in Canada. There are 2 types of work permits applicant can apply for (1) OPEN WORK PERMIT (2) EMPLOYER SPECIFIC WORK PERMIT (LMIA based)
Who Can apply for Open Work Permit?
International student who graduated from a designated learning institution and are eligible for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program
Student who is no longer able to meet the costs of your studies (destitute student)
Foreign national who have an employer-specific work permit and are being abused or at risk of being abused in relation to your job in Canada
Applied for permanent residence in Canada
Are a dependent family member of someone who applied for permanent residency?
Are the spouse or common-law partner of a skilled worker or international student
Are the spouse or common-law partner of an applicant of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program
Are a refugee, refugee claimant, protected person, or their family member
Are under an unenforceable removal order
Are a temporary resident permit holder
Are a young worker participating in special program?
“Get consultation with excellence and expertise prior submitting any application, result in paving your path to success. Incomplete, lack of knowledge of facts and law could result in refusal end up creation of permanent record on your profile. Seek professional help from an experienced, ICCRC certified consultant today.”